Sunday, May 19, 2013

Did you know?

So many gems in the sea of tweets, here are some to refresh your brain

@UberFacts Atychiphobia is the fear of failure.

@UberFacts "Scopophobia" is the morbid fear of being seen or stared at by others.

@UberFacts It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.

@UberFacts Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals, including at least 50 of that cause, initiate or promote cancer.

@UberFacts Falling coconuts kill 150 people every year.

@UberFacts Listening to loud music interferes with your vision. This is why we usually take our headphones out to look at something far away.

@UberFacts Sleeping for less than six hours any night skews the productivity of your immune system, metabolism, and the body’s response to stress.

@firstworldfacts Since we spend roughly 20 years asleep, our dreams are technically considered to be an alternate reality.

@UberFacts Tobacco kills one person every 8 seconds.

@UberFacts Scientists estimate that smoking a cigarette takes 11 minutes off of your life - A pack of 20 takes 3 hours - A carton takes 1.5 days.

@firstworldfacts Watermelon can help relieve stress and anxiety, as well as keep you energized and boost your metabolism.

@UberFacts Individuals with higher IQs are 3 times more likely to suffer from depression because of increased brain activity.

@UberFacts Cherophobia is the fear of being too happy because you think something tragic will happen.

@UberFacts Jellyfish and lobsters are considered biologically immortal - They don't age and will never die unless they are killed.

@UberFacts Listening to music helps aid digestion.

@UberFacts People are more likely to remember the first and last things they read on a list than anything else.

@UberFacts Mosquitoes have killed more humans than all the wars in history.

@SciencePorn An award winning middle school science project showed, on average 70% of the time ice from fast food restraunts is dirtier than toilet water

@firstworldfacts The brain is a powerful thing. Worrying about getting sick can actually make you sick.

@UberFacts Globally, baby boys are 25% more likely to die in infancy than baby girls.

@firstworldfacts Laughter has been proven to cut down stress levels by 50%.

@firstworldfacts Love is chemically similar to drug addiction.

@UberFacts Eating chocolate 3 times a month can help you live longer as opposed to overeating chocolate, or not eating it at all.

@UberFacts Although outlawed by the British empire in 1837, owning a slave was not a criminal offense in the UK until April of 2010.

@UberFacts 11% of Greece's homeless population have a university degree.

@UberFacts Bigorexia (Muscle dysmorphia) is a disorder in which a person becomes obsessed with working out because they are not muscular enough.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Twitter quotes

This is some of the quotes i found in twitter.

@damnitstrue Dear God, Help me to understand that difficult times can make me stronger in the end, even though it may not always be easy to see.

@damnitstrue Sometimes, you need PATIENCE in order to find true happiness. It won't come fast and it won't come easy, but it will be worth it.

@damnitstrue Best Friend is someone who helps you up when you are down, and if they can’t help you up they lay down and listen.

@LiifeFacts Don't lie, don't cheat, don't make promises you can't keep.

@damnitstrue Second chances are not given to make things right. But are given to prove that we could be better even after we fall.

@PEPATAHKU tanpa usaha dan niat yang luar biasa, mimpi selamanya hanya akan menjadi sebuah mimpi belaka

@BonsaiSky If you believe God is Merciful, then He will be. He is as you think He is, which is why it's important to have a good opinion of your Lord.

@Laughbook Running away doesnt help you with your problems, unless you're fat. Then yeah, run.

@damnitstrue Life is too short to wake up with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, and forget the ones who don't.

@damnitstrue GOD always has something for you, a key for every problem, a light for every shadow, a relief for every sorrow & a plan for every tomorrow.

@BonsaiSky The imperfection found in creation is not a flaw. It's by design. There is none perfect, except Allāh. Think about it.

@LiifeFacts Dream big,
work hard,
stay focused,
and surround yourself with good people.

@damnitstrue Don’t chase people.
Be you, do your own thing and work hard.
The right people who belong in your life will come to you, and stay..

@Notebook It's not about how you look on the outside, but how you feel on the inside.

@damnitstrue As you start and end your day, say THANK YOU for every little things in your life. And you will come to realize how blessed you truly are.

@YuvioTsyunYin Keangkuhan Jiwamu lebih bERBAHAYA Dibanding keangkuhan orang lain kepadamu.....

@Notebook Being honest may not get you a lot of friends, but it'll always get you the right ones.

@UberFacts The more you fear something, the bigger it appears.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Genie grants me wishes

One night I had a really weird dream. In my dream, I was at a beach I had never visited before, there I found a bottle in the sand. When I take the bottle, it was shaking and shining. I was frightened so I dropped it. A blue smoke came out of it and formed into a human, a girl. Then I heard her said “Hello good man, thank you for releasing me from this bottle, for the reward, I will grant your wishes”. I was speechless and couldn’t believe what I had just seen.
I woke up in confusion; I thought it was only a dream, until I found the bottle in my side. It was the same bottle as in my dream. So I said “ha-ha, let me try, hmm... I want you to give me a chicken soup served right here on my bed, o genie!” and I waited, not so long, a bowl of chicken soup appeared in front of me. “Wow so cool, so this is not a dream... Genie, where are you?” A blue smoke came out from the bottle, “yes master, do you want anything else?” So I replied “I’m too lazy to go to school today, can you do something so I don’t have go to there?” the genie said yes and suddenly the sky got dark and then rained so hard” I giggled.
The next morning I was thinking hard of what else I could ask to the genie. So I just said “o genie, can you give me some money so I can buy some food?” Suddenly my room was fully filled with money and foods”. I was surprised and excited at the same time. So then I was too busy wasting the money and eat all the food in my room, it took a week for me to finish all the food.
A week later I was at home, I was so bored because it was raining outside. Then I remembered that today is my mother’s birthday. But unfortunately we couldn’t celebrate it together for she had passed away. I was sad. At that time, the genie showed up and said “what’s wrong, master? Do you hate me?”. “No, genie, I miss my mom so much, it’s her birthday but I can’t say happy birthday to her, I can’t even see her anymore...” the genie then said “I can make you see her in your dream tonight, is that ok?” I was so happy and agreed to her idea. That night, I was so impatient that I went to bed earlier. The genie was right, in my dream, I met my mother and we shared our stories. I was so happy to meet my mother again until I realize that we have to go. I said goodbye and promised that I will be a good boy.
And then I woke up. The genie said good morning. “Good morning, genie, thank you, I met my mother last night, I was so happy” she nodded and said “my pleasure, master. Is there anything else I can do for you?” I smiled and replied “hehe no, thank you. Eh, by the way, we haven’t introduced ourselves; I’m Dika, and you? Please tell me what made you stuck in the bottle?” she replied “I’m Lana. I used to be a human, but a cruel witch cursed me into a genie and put me in that bottle until someone with a good heart found me and release me, I waited for 200 years but no one found me, until a few weeks ago you found me, master”.
Then I said with a low voice “I’m so sorry you get this awful fate... ok, and then this is my last wish. I wish you can go back into a human and you go back to your family” she then said with tears in her eyes “thank you master, you really have a good heart. Now I can really be freed, good bye”. And then she disappeared along with the bottle. That was the best weeks of my life.